Our goal is to collaborate with municipalities creating "Smart City" parking management initiatives that integrate citizen friendly and sustainable mobility solutions improving the regulation of parking inventory and efficient transportation policies leading to better management of natural resources.

United SF Parking has assisted municipalities manage thousands of parking spaces from government agencies, large and complex public garages and some of the biggest on-street parking systems in the world. Our municipality parking experience is extensive with more than 30 years working in both public and private sectors. This affords us a nuanced understanding of the balance that government agencies constantly must differentiate between profits and service to the public.  

Below are the services we can provide to our future municipal partners:

  • Clean, safe and well-run public parking facilities;
  • Sustainable transportation and parking programs;
  • Expert consulting, financing and installation of PARCS (parking access revenue control systems);
  • Turnkey solutions that delivers maximum profits from parking assets;
  • Tailored marketing programs to ensure greater occupancy and utilization;
  • Quality assurance policies and transparent auditing procedures;
  • A hands-on approach to controlling expenses focusing on the net income

Additionally, our full-service management of on-street parking is designed to create integrated Smart City parking and mobility programs, which include:

  • Advanced on-street parking modernization solutions including handhelds and advanced solar powered meters;
  • Residential and business parking programs;
  • Tailored payment options to meet the needs of the municipality and it's residents;
  • Sustainable maintenance and cleaning programs;
  • Real-time digital guidance signage integrated with occupancy sensors and mobile applications;
  • Dynamic pricing solutions to minimize circulation and maximize revenues;
  • Revenue collection, auditing, and tailored financial reporting;
  • Parking citation enforcement operations, processing and technology upgrades